‘That new axis between Rome and Paris’

Editorial published in ‘la Stampa’, 29 March 2021.
Dear Director,

I agree with you: more solidarity in Europe. In this Darwinian phase, it is not the strongest who wins, but those who demonstrate the greatest capacity for transformation. The solution against the crisis is European. Let us show more audacity in conceiving our common future. On the one hand, some repeat the mistakes: they decide together in Brussels and then accuse Europe of mistakes or sluggishness. On the other, we have achieved the unthinkable with the European Relaunch Plan (NextGenEU) but we have not done the same for our research and industrial capacities.

Here is our goal: to provide ourselves with true industrial autonomy and strengthen our strategic response in parallel with President Biden’s action.

Mario Draghi and Emmanuel Macron will be the protagonists: 2021 will be the year of a new relationship between Rome and Paris for Europe. In Berlin, Angela Merkel is on her way out after 16 years. In Rome, at the head of government we have a great European personality like Mario Draghi. How will he be judged? By his ability to take full advantage of the Recovery Plan and implement the necessary reforms.

Italy benefits from more than a quarter of the entire EU plan and its European success depends on Italy. It must be proven that Recovery Bonds, common European debt and new EU resources (such as the digital tax) work and can become a new permanent tool for growth.

In Paris, Macron, who won in 2017 by choosing Europe, is preparing for the French presidency of the EU, starting in January 2022, and then the presidential elections in May.

Draghi and Macron’s European vision converges. There is no real sovereignty for anyone without a new European sovereignty in the face of challenges such as digital, finance, climate or security. The transformation must continue. We have a historic opportunity to reform the Stability Pact and to equip ourselves with a true common financial and investment capacity.

On 9 May, the Conference on the Future of Europe begins: proposed by Macron to all Europeans on March 2019 in the ‘Renaissance’ letter, it will have to give rise to an unprecedented democratic participation to prepare a major EU reform. Shortly afterwards, Italy and France will sign that bilateral treaty that we launched at the Lyon Summit in 2017: it will mark a historic turning point in our joint action in Europe. We can thus become together the protagonists of the European revival. There is no need for optimism: we ‘only’ need a lot of determination.

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